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CHANGE Award Winners
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First Place:   Salve Me by Deborah Goemans


Music - Musical Composition

First Place:           Whole Tone Oddity by Lynn Arthur Koch

Second Place:     Limiting ChAnGEs by Paulette Fry

Third Place:           All is Change by Scott Turner

Honorable Mention:  Aman Aquila by Bradley Ward

Music - Original Song

First Place:          Who Am I if Not Yours? by Patty Francis

Second Place:    Bring on the Change by Bobcat and Elias

Third Place:         Compost Revolution by Kat McCarthy

Writing - Prose

First Place:            Of Rocks and Trees by Meghan Aagaard

Second Place:      Marley’s Nightly Adventure by Zoya Mayo

Third Place (tie):   The Change by Priscilla Berggren-Thomas

                                     Carl and Mille by Gerald Rehkugler

Honorable Mentions:

                                    The Times They Are A-Changin’ by Helen Leet

                                    Change the World by Ellen Rahner

                                    Sunset by Richard Simister

Writing - Poetry

First Place:           63 and Change by Nancy Dickerson

Second Place:    Cosmic Change by Bill Lee

Third Place:          Miracle Water by Deborah Goemans

                                  And So It Begins by Cecile Swift Lippitt

                                   A “Changed Sensibility” by Beth MacRae

Honorable Mentions:

                                    Release by Bonnie Benjamin Allen

                                    Rise by Alexis Amsden

                                    Change by Susan Deer

                                    Things I  Want to Remember About My Last Baby by Alexandria Faulkenbury

                                    Seasons by Frank Kelly

Writing – Drama

First Place (tie):      Peter Pan by Jack Carr

                                    Small Changes by Greg Moller


First Place (tie):      The Changeable Lotus by Randy Ross

                                      From Day into Night by Richard Simister

Second Place:        Through the Generations by Teri Pelton

Third Place:               In the Light of the Moon by Emily Gibbons

Honorable Mentions:

                                    Love Changes Everything by Tina Brandel

                                    Even Change Changes by Sherry Dans

                                    Just My Three Cents by Carol Foster

                                    Frozen by Jim Weiss

Artisan Crafts

First Place:             Metamorphic Trio by Nancy McLaughlin

Second Place:      Overflow by Kathie Beale

Third Place (tie):   Majestic Monarch by Julie Maddren

                                    Courage to Change by Teri Pelton

Honorable Mentions:

                                    Watching a Tulip Bloom by Ashley Bobbett-X

                                    Cortland Methodist Spare Change Box by Pam Kavalesky and Katherine Griffith

                                    Spare Change by Frank Kelly

                                    A New Vein by Terri Gardner Fendya

                                    Change is Coming by Nancy Ostman

Fine Arts

First Place:              Nothing New by David Beale

Second Place:       Grade 4 Social Studies Quiz by Jane O’Shea

Third Place:             Changing Booth by Crystal Lyon, David Francisco, Jonathan Majka, Ashe Martin

                                      Metamorphosis by Anne Withers

Honorable Mentions:

                                    On My Mind by Jessica Cortese

                                    Seeds pf Change by Veronique Domaratsky

                                    Green and Red of Mayo by Emily Gibbons

                                    Falling Leaves by Alice Jump

                                    Insurrection by David Quinlan

Memorial Awards

                            Irvan Beale Award: Monk: From Rock to Art by Franco Minervini

                            Harry N. Davis Award:  Condolences by Lisa Schaff

                            Jane Zogg Award:  Change of Seasons by Tom Steger

                            David Blatchley Award: Dockside by Deb Putman

                            Ruth Jones Olcott Award:  Synapses by Louise Felker

                                                                                   Carousel of Time by Crystal Bergman

People’s Choice Visual Arts Award 

                          Cortland Methodist Spare Change Box by Pam Kavalesky and Katherine Griffith

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